Mobile Application Helps to Feed Syrian Refugee Children in Lebanon


Date Posted: June 20, 2016


The World Food Programme (WFP) has launched ShareTheMeal, a mobile application to help provide food to Syrian refugee children for a day at the touch of a button.

Through the application, users can donate as little as 50 cents at a time and read about the child on the receiving end of the donated meal.

“Every cultural and religious tradition in the world teaches us to care for the less privileged and to share what we have,” said WFP Lebanon Country Director and Representative, Dominik Heinrich. “The launch of the app in Arabic provides people in the Arabic speaking world with an easy way to do good deeds and share meals during the holy month of Ramadan, the month of generosity and giving.”

While the application currently targets children in Lebanon, it has previously earned various awards.

WFP launched the application at the start of Ramadan to ensure Syrian refugee children receive the necessary nutrition throughout the holy month, while taking advantage of the increased spirit of giving during Ramadan.

The programme’s goal is to feed 1,400 Syrian refugees aged between 3 and 4 years for one year.

According to United Nations figures, Lebanon currently houses more than 1 million Syrian refugees.

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